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Add Your Brand

Customizing your logo, name, and colors to brand your scopes, invoices, and client emails.

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Written by Help Center
Updated over 4 months ago

Adding your brand to Wethos makes your proposals, invoices, and other client-facing documents feel professional and tailored to your business. Setting up your branding during onboarding helps ensure all your materials look cohesive from the start.

Setting Up Your Brand in Onboarding

When you first sign up for Wethos, you’ll go through an onboarding process that includes setting up your brand. This ensures your branding is applied from the start, giving all your documents a consistent, polished appearance.

Here are the areas you can customize:

  1. Business Name (Wethos Pro and Wethos Starter 🌱)
    Enter your business name to appear on all client-facing documents, creating a professional identity for your brand.

  2. Logo (Wethos Pro and Wethos Starter 🌱)
    Upload your logo, which will be featured at the top of your proposals, invoices, and other client-facing materials.

  3. Brand Color
    For a more customized look, Wethos Pro⚡️ users can select primary and accent colors that reflect their brand’s unique style. These colors will appear on key elements within your proposals and invoices.

  4. Font

    Wethos Pro⚡️ users also have the option to choose a custom font for a cohesive, branded experience across all documents.

1. Business Name

Edit your Business Name by typing your studio name, brand name, or your name.

How to edit your branding option from your Wethos account settings

2. Logo

You can add a logo by clicking “+ add your logo” or edit your current logo by clicking “change logo”.

Drag and drop your image in the edit window or choose to upload an image from your computer. Click upload to save changes, or cancel to navigate out and cancel all changes. Should you no longer want a logo, select the trash bin icon to remove it.

Adding your business logo to your Wethos Account

3. Brand Color⚡

Update the background color of the text block by entering a specific hex code directly into the edit field or hovering your mouse over the color wheel to choose a new color and custom hue.

Including your brand colors to your Wethos documents such as invoices and proposals

4. Font ⚡

Adjust your font by choosing from the drop-down menu and selecting the best option that fits your needs.

Updating your font options on your Wethos invoices and proposals

Now, let’s talk about how to add some branding within your Proposal Builder.

To add your business branding within the Proposal Builder, hover over the “My Studio” area at the top left of your page and select “edit branding.”

You will see all of the branding options pop up and you can choose to edit your Business Logo, Name, Brand Color, and Font.

Keep in mind that the Brand Color and Font is a feature available for Wethos Pro members.

Screenshot of how to add branding options from your proposal builder

Any changes made to your branding within your proposal builder will be saved and automatically added to all of your invoices and proposals.

To view the changes to your branding in your proposals and invoices, go to any of your projects and toggle between the proposal and invoice tab at the top of the page.

You can see how your edits and branding look for each of these documents by selecting Preview, downloading the document, sending a test email to yourself, or viewing the share link.

Viewing your branding changes by previewing your proposal or downloading it

How to preview your proposal directly from the proposal builder page.

Updating Your Brand After Onboarding

If you need to make changes to your brand after onboarding, you can update these settings at any time:

  1. Go to Settings > Branding.

  2. Here, you can upload a new logo, change your brand name, or adjust your primary and accent colors.

  3. All changes will apply to new proposals and invoices moving forward.

Screenshot of how to access your account settings

Adding your brand helps you create a consistent, professional experience for clients. Setting up branding during onboarding ensures your documents reflect your business identity right from the start. If you have any questions, reach out to our support team for assistance!


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