Welcome to your Projects home page where you can find all information related to your projects and proposals. In the Projects section, you can manage and create new projects, with each project allowing you to create a proposal that includes your project goals, your detailed scope of work, a payment schedule, and the addition of contract terms, all within one document.
You can navigate to Projects by clicking the stacked box icon in the left toolbar. Sort each column by clicking on the column title, "Project, Status, Client, Date Created, or Amount ", making it easier to organize and view your projects according to your needs.
The Projects Page also provides deeper insights into your project timelines and overall business performance with the project status and value vs. duration tables. Each table automatically updates as you create new projects or as the status of your projects changes. In the project status table, you can select your preferred date range to view the data that matters most to you.
Navigate to different areas of the Projects section, including:
Individual projects by clicking on the project name under the "Project" column
Individual clients by clicking on a client under the "Client" column
Begin creating a new project by clicking the "Create" button in the top right
Are you looking for a specific project? Search for your project from the search bar or filter projects by status by clicking the “status” button and choosing the options from the drop-down menu.
As you update and complete your project, the status and duration will automatically adjust. However, you can manually edit these by selecting the status dropdown menu or clicking the plus sign to add dates if none are present.
Note: Wethos Starter 🌱 users will only be able to create one fully built-out project. If you are a Wethos Pro⚡️ user and you downgrade to Wethos Starter 🌱 you will only see the last project you built.
Managing Your Projects
Wethos Pro⚡️ users can now manage their projects using hover states. When you hover over a project on the Projects Page, a set of quick action buttons will appear on the right side of the project row, making it easy to manage your projects efficiently.
When you hover over a project, you'll see the following options:
Edit Proposal: Opens the proposal editor for that project, allowing you to make updates.
Duplicate: Copies the project, adding "(Copy)" to the project name and keeping the same client details.
Menu: Clicking this will reveal more options:
Open: Takes you to the project overview page.
Edit Proposal: Opens the proposal editor for that project.
Edit Duration: Allows you to adjust the project's start and end dates.
Duplicate: Copies the project with "(Copy)" added to the name.
Add to My Templates: Saves the project as a template for future use.
Delete: Deletes the project after confirmation.
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