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Re-use Your Past Scopes

Duplicate, re-use, and access your previously created scopes.

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Written by Help Center
Updated over 8 months ago

As a Wethos Pro user, you can utilize your past projects to create a new scope in minutes. In this article, you'll learn how to duplicate, re-use, and access your previously created scopes.

Note: Wethos Starter users will not be able to duplicate their project. As a Wethos Starter user, you can create one fully built-out project, either from scratch or from a Wethos template, and create an unlimited number of invoices connected to this project.

Create a project from a past scope

On the projects page, select the "create" drop-down.

How to create your projects from a past scope

Select "Project from Past Scope" to duplicate one of your past projects.

choosing a past project to create a new project

Search for the project you'd like to duplicate. Once you've found the one, select "next" to rename the project and assign it to the client.

information needed to create a new project from a past project

Select "create project," and voila! Your project has been duplicated and is ready for any tweaks necessary or to be sent right off to your client.

Duplicate the scope directly within the project

You can also duplicate a scope from the project's page by selecting the ellipses next to your proposal's name.

screenshot of a project and how to duplicate the project to create a new one

Select "Duplicate Project," and a copy of the scope will be created as a new project.


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