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Verify your Email Address

Here are the steps to verify your email address.

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Written by Help Center
Updated over 8 months ago

Welcome to Wethos! Let’s get you started and verified!

We’re excited to have you start your journey with Wethos! Signing up is the first step on this journey. There are two ways to sign up for Wethos: Sign up with your email address or sign up using your Gmail account.

To sign up with Gmail, you can simply click “Continue with Google” on the sign-up page. You’ll be able to use your Gmail login for all future logins. Never worry about having to remember another password!

You can also sign up with your email address. You’ll need to enter your email address and create a password. You will then be asked to enter your first and last name, as well as some questions on what brought you to Wethos.

How to sign in to your Wethos Account

If you’ve signed up using your email address, you’ll notice that you’re prompted to verify your email. We want to make sure the email address you entered is correct (we know typos happen!).

Verifying your email takes less than 5 minutes and once you’ve done so, you will be able to navigate the Wethos platform without any limitations.

At Wethos, we take security very seriously! Verifying your email address is also an important part of our sign-up process so we can make sure we keep your new account, your personal information, and your business secure.

While it is not required to verify your email address upon your first access to your account to navigate the platform, there will be a few limitations until your email has been verified. Some of these limitations include sending invoices or proposals and upgrading to Wethos Pro or Wethos Team.

When you come back to your account the next time, if you have not yet verified, you’ll be required to do so to access and navigate the platform.

If you have Two-Factor Authentication enabled on your account, you will be asked to provide the verification code every time you refresh your page. However, you can click on the “Remember this device for 30 days” and you will not have to go through this process again for 30 days.

Screenshot of what you will see if you enabled two factor authentication

If you have any questions on how you can verify your email address or about your Wethos Account, reach out to us at [email protected]. You can also check out your Account Setting and see if your email address has been verified by clicking on the link below.

Screenshot of how to verify your email for your Wethos account

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