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Owner vs Admin Views and Permissions
Owner vs Admin Views and Permissions

What your admin sees when invited into your Wethos Team account vs what you are able to see as the owner of the account.

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Written by Help Center
Updated over 8 months ago

In a Wethos Team account, there are two distinct roles that play a crucial part in managing the Team: the Account Owner and the Admins. Both admin and owner roles come with varying levels of access and responsibility. In this article, we will explore the key differences between these roles to help you better understand their functions and permissions.

Account Owners

As an account owner, you have full access to all of the features of the account and projects. There are no restrictions on what can be viewed or what actions can be taken as the Account owner.

However, we understand that as an agency owner, privacy matters. While you share the work with your team, your payment account info will stay on lockdown. You’re the only person who has access to manage the Team subscription, which includes updating the payment method, adding users to empty Account Admin seats, and removing users from seats within the account.

Account Admins

An Admin is a user that the Account Owner has invited to be a part of the Team account. As an Admin, they can handle their own projects, from proposal updates to sending invoices. Admins also have access to the team-wide template library, giving them the ability to build and share templates from proposals to contract terms to pricing, so you never have to worry about if everyone is on the same page.

Anything that is sent to clients from an admin account will also have the branding set by the Account owner, so everything sent out by your agency will be consistent.

As an Admin, there are certain aspects of the platform that you won’t have access to. This includes making any edits to the subscription or account settings, including adding additional admins.

Here’s a more detailed breakdown of what each team member type can view:

Permissions & Views



Create and send projects & proposals under the Team account

Create and send invoices under the Team account

View the team Project Budget tab

View and use the Wethos Templates Library

View the Team Template library and add custom items

Edit Branding

Edit Team Account Profile

Assign and remove admins from account seats

Change Team Account Settings, including making any changes to the subscription

Admins will be able to make changes to their own account settings, such as adding two-factor authentication, updating their contact information, and changing their password. Admins will also have the ability to make changes to their personal profiles.

Check out our detailed video introducing Wethos Team and showing all of the details that come with upgrading your account including the different views that an owner or an admin will have.


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