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Glossary of Terms

A guidebook for commonly used terms within the platform.

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Written by Help Center
Updated over 10 months ago


AI-Generated Proposal tool

Artificial Intelligence generator tool helps you create proposals from scratch by using the key information you provide like the name of the project and what you want it to be about. Learn more about AI-generated proposals.


An admin is a member of a Wethos Teams account that has been given access by the owner of the account by creating their own email address and password. Learn more about Wethos Teams.


Backstop Date

The last date in which work for the project can be carried out.


"Studio Brand" is the visual representation of your business reflected in your studio and scope through your logo, brand name, colors, and text.

Budget tab

The tab specific to each project that shows all expenses, and payouts. You can manage your project's budget and expenses, add members to your team, and record payments for teammates.



A client pipeline that shows all of the clients and accompanying projects you create.


Points of contact for a client. Clients may have various points of contact for different aspects of their projects.


A person you've connected with or would like to connect with to build your network or a project team. You can add contractors to the Network Page either from the Wethos network or invite them to Wethos by simply adding their email address through the invite a friend button.

Custom Service

The product or offering your studio sells is customized to fit your business needs. Each service includes a name, price, description, and role.



A deliverable is a set of work that results in the delivery of a tangible asset or value to clients, for which clients pay money.

Discoverable Profile

A Wethos profile that can be viewed by all Wethos users on the People page.



The money you spend for your project work. Keep track of your project expenses on the budget page for each project.

Expiration Date

The date on which the contract will expire if not signed.



A specific piece of functionality that has a corresponding benefit or set of benefits for the user.

Feedback Rounds

A set number of sessions with the client to discuss any changes or assess the progress of the project. This is an opportunity to prevent scope creep from your client.


General Terms

Legal contract language that can be added to your scope to define and govern any specifics of doing business together. You can provide your own contract language or leverage this reference from Wethos.



Invoice Schedule

A plan for sending out your invoices to clients to set clear expectations for when payments are due.





The library is your saved and personalized list of templates for scopes, contract terms, and services. These can either be saved from the Wethos Templates or ones that you’ve created from scratch.



A feature to track your project’s progress, specifically which teammates are responsible for which deliverables, their due dates, how much each teammate is earning, and when payouts are due. Mark services as complete to automatically update the budget and timeline.

Markup Fee

Also known as an agency or management fee, a dollar amount or percentage added to your project scopes to ensure a specific amount of profit is made.



Open Roles

The roles within your project that have yet to be filled by teammates.

Other Projects

A project pipeline other studios have added you to in addition to projects you've created. Think of it as an aggregate of all of your projects.


The owner of a Wethos Teams account is the original creator of the account and the person that owns the subscription to Wethos Teams. They will have full access to all of the account features and tools as well as be the only person with view of the Wethos Payments Account details. Owners will also be responsible for inviting admins into the account.

Other Payment Methods

Include a payment method that you don’t see in the available payment options. Just add the link or information you wish your customer to see. Within your account settings you can set up the payment methods on how you want your clients to pay your invoices.



PayPal is a payment platform and an available payment method for your invoices. You can Add your PayPal payment handle or link to have your customers be directed to your payments platform to pay your invoices. You can learn more about Venmo in on the PayPal Home Page.


Find new contractors to add to your network or form the perfect team for a project. Search and filter by keywords and tags within the Contractors page, allowing you to narrow in on the right collaborators to save or reach out to.


A distinct stage of services in a scope that marks a series of events, time, or a process of development. Examples of phases are in time (April, May), events (Phase I, Phase II), process (Research, Strategy, Execution), etc.


A profile is a collection of your work experience and expertise, packaged up to share with other Wethos contractors. Your profile includes work samples that you showcase, a profile picture and social links, and information used to help other studios discover you - your industries, services, tools, causes, and languages.

My Projects

A project pipeline private to you where all of the projects you create will appear. Similarly, "Other Projects" is a project pipeline other studios have added you to in addition to projects you've created. Think of it as an aggregate of all of your projects.

Project Goals

A space to add notes to your scope including the goals and purpose of the project.

Project Status

The dynamic state of a project is defined as either a lead (initial interest state), won (scope signed and closed), lost (scope declined or rejected), in progress (project underway), or complete (project complete).




A title assigned to a service as a way of categorizing the type of teammate or expertise needed to execute on the service.



A detailed outline of a project, identifying the services to be executed, the cost of the services, and the designated roles that will execute on those services. A scope is organized by phase and may include due dates, client goals, general terms, and an invoicing schedule.

Scope Creep

The common occurrence of the scope, services, or features on a project expanding from what was originally set, without being accounted for in additional time or budget.

Scope Template

A group of pre-set, adjustable services that act as an example of what a project could consist of. Wethos includes native scope of work templates from Wethos' former agency, peer-priced templates from the community, and your own templates. The scopes that you create become your own set of templates that can be accessed for an even quicker scoping experience. Also known as "Template."


The product or offering your studio sells. Each service includes a name, price, description, and role. All services can be edited to fit a client or project need.

Service Library

A collection of custom services or peer-priced services that can be used to scope projects quickly.


The client-side contact who will sign the scope or contract.

Studio Brand

The visual representation of your business is reflected in your studio and scope through your logo, brand name, colors, and text.


Stripe is a payment platform and an available payment method for your invoices. You can Add your Stripe payment link to have your customers be directed to your payments platform to pay your invoices via card payments. You can learn more about Venmo in on the Stripe payment link page.



A label that helps identify certain aspects of the platform. Tags can be added to your profile to help the community search for you or they can be added to your scope to help you quickly search for it and reuse components of it.


The contractors who are working on a project with you.


A group of pre-set, adjustable services that act as an example of what a project could consist of. Wethos includes native scope of work templates from Wethos' former agency, peer-priced templates from the community, and your own templates. The scopes that you create become your own set of templates that can be accessed for an even quicker scoping experience. Also known as "Scope Template."


A list of events that is automatically generated when you create a scope that includes due dates. Timelines can be used to track the progress of your project, team, and budget.



Virtual Studio

A virtual studio is your space to scope projects, team up, and pay your collaborators all in one place. Studios have services that are sold to clients, a brand that makes them unique, collaborators as part of a network, and scopes that bring all of the moving parts together.


Venmo is a payments platform and an available payment method for your invoices. You can Add your Venmo payment handle or link to have your customers be directed to your payments platform to pay your invoices. You can lern more about Venmo in on the Venmo Home Page.



Wethos is a first-of-its-kind platform that enables creative studios to instantly scope work, staff projects, and manage budgets all in one place.

Wethos Pro

Wethos Pro is our middle tier subscription. With a Wethos pro account you can get access to premium features to help you take the guesswork out of growing your independent business. You can read more about Wethos Pro here

Wethos Teams

Wethos Teams is for those who are looking to scale up their business. With Teams, you can collaborate on proposals and invoices with a team-wide template library and create alignment with your team for full visibility across proposal and invoice pipelines. You can read more about Wethos Teams here

Wethos Services Library

The entire suite of data-backed, peer-priced services available to be saved to your Templates.




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