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Adding a Discount to Your Proposal

Step-by-step guide on how to include a discount in a proposal

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Written by Help Center
Updated over 4 months ago

Looking to add a discount to your proposal before sending it to your client? Wethos has you covered!

There are two different ways that you can offer discounts to your clients:

  1. You can include a discount in your original proposal

  2. You can add a discount to your invoices after your proposal has been accepted and signed.

Check out our guided video or continue scrolling to see the step-by-step guide on how to include discounts to your proposal.

To add a discount to your proposal you’ll need to head over to your proposal builder page and scroll down to your scope. From here, you will need to add a new service line or a new phase within your scope depending on what you want to add your discount to. For example, adding a discount to a specific service or adding one to the whole project.

screenshot from within the proposal builder on the scope of work section and how to add services to your scope

Once the new service line or phase has been completed, you can include the details of your discount in the service name and service description. In the price section, add the desired discount amount as a negative dollar amount to subtract from the total of the full price of your proposal, for example -$xx.xx.

adding discounts in proposals in Wethos

The new price will now reflect the total for the proposal with the discount included.



Remember, a proposal can always be changed or edited until it has been accepted and signed by your client. You also have the option to include a discount on your invoices. Check out our detailed Help Center article on adding a discount to your invoice.


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