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How to get pricing recommendations on Wethos
How to get pricing recommendations on Wethos

Create custom services and generate recommendations with our pricing tool.

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Written by Help Center
Updated over a year ago

Your services are the power of your business and are the building blocks to your scopes of work. When you upgrade to Wethos Pro, you’ll unlock unlimited access to the data to help you understand how to price your services with the ability to create custom services, and a library of services and templates to ensure you get paid what you're worth.

Utilize the Wethos Services Library

Once you’re upgraded to Pro, all of the services in the Wethos Library have default recommended prices, and we analyze how people price them across our platform on a regular basis to keep them up to date. Save these services to your library by clicking the bookmark icon or search for them when creating a scope.

Wethos service library interface showing the search bar and "add graphic and copy overlay to videos" service priced at $300 per video

These data-backed services can help you gut-check your pricing and can be adjusted per project as you see fit. Check out this article here on some of our value-based pricing recommendations.

Check out the Wethos Template Library

Scope quickly and easily at rates that make certain you're getting paid for all of the work you're doing. Check out our scope of work templates library as a jumping off point for your scopes. These scope of work templates are completely customizable and can act as a resource for you as you build out your own scopes.

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