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Working Solo Vs. On a Team

Working alone vs. on a team changes the proposal and how it's laid out. That's why we've made it easy for you to switch back and forth.

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Written by Help Center
Updated over 8 months ago

This article will explain the steps to create a team project or update your current project from a solo to a team project.

Solo Project:

  • For projects you're working on alone

  • Services have no "role" attached to them

  • Custom services created in solo mode will show no role, and if switched to team mode at a later date, the role will be listed as "Other."

  • No budget will be allocated to paying teammates

  • Your budget will be based on your own profitability

Team Project:

  • For projects you're working on with a team

  • Services have roles assigned to them

  • Group by phase or teammate

  • See how much you are paying your teammates and include that in your project budget

  • Access the Budget page, where you can Manage your team & your project

When creating a scope, the default will be automatically set to solo. If you want to create a team project, toggle on the “Include teammates on this project” option.

screenshot of information you need to start a project

If you have an existing project that you want to change from a Solo to a Team Project, select the ellipses at the top of the page to toggle back and forth between solo/team.

screenshot of how to change your project to a team project

Once you’ve created your team project or updated your current project to a team project it's time to add your team. Head over to the project budget tab and scroll down to the contractor's section then click on the “add project contractor” button.

Adding a contractor to your team project

You’ll be given the option to choose the invite someone you know or to explore the Wethos network as a contractor to your project.

Once you've sent your invite to your teammates and they've accepted, you will see them added to your contractors section and you can manage and record their payments to make sure your project budget and payment data stays up-to-date.

Screenshot of added teammates on the budget tab and how to payout your team

You can learn more about how you can add teammates to your project in our detailed Help Center HERE.

Or check out our detailed video below:

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