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Invoice Payments

View what your clients see when they get an invoice from you and instructions for clients to pay invoices.

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Written by Help Center
Updated over 10 months ago

IMPORTANT NOTICE: As of May 14th, 2024 Wethos is no longer offering the Wethos Payments Accounts as we are transitioning to a new form of payment acceptance for your invoices. Because of this, all deposit accounts have been closed and features such as debit cards, account statements, account transfers, and account and routing numbers are no longer available. As of May 14th, the Payments Tab is also no longer available. If there were any funds left in the account before the closure, they will be mailed to you within 30-60 days from the date of closure. You can learn more about this in our featured Help Center article HERE. If you still need your account statements after the closure, you can reach out to us at [email protected] or reach out to Blue Ridge Bank directly.

There are two easy ways to create and send an invoice. You can create an invoice from a project or a new invoice from scratch from the invoice page.

Wethos Starter 🌱 users will only have the ability to create invoices within their first project, however, they will not be able to add payment methods that will be reflected on the invoice. Only Wethos Pro and Wethos Team users can activate and use the Wethos payment methods.

Upgrading to Wethos Pro ⚡️ or Wethos Team 👑 allows you to have unlimited access to all of Wethos’ invoicing features including creating invoices from scratch and accepting payments through the available payment methods.

Secure your deposit with just a flip of a switch and automatically send an invoice to your client as soon as they sign and accept your proposal.

Learn more about how to request a deposit from your client and send an invoice for this deposit in our detailed Help Center article here.

Once you have all the information you need to send to your client, the next step is to send it out and get paid!

Before you send the invoice to your client, you can review the client experience yourself by sending a test invoice or reviewing the invoice share link. You can also see a preview of the invoice by selecting the eye icon at the top of your invoice page.

How you can preview your invoices from the invoice builder page

Send your invoice to your client by selecting “send now” and choosing from the available options on how to send your invoice. You can copy the share link and provide it to your client, or send it directly to your client's email. If you need to send your invoice to multiple contacts, you can include additional email addresses in the CC section. Select “send as email” and you’re all set.

Learn more about sending an invoice from a project HERE.

Options on how to share your invoices with your clients either by email or by providing the share link

After sending an invoice through the platform, your client will receive an email that includes your custom message, the invoice number, the due date, the amount of the invoice, and the project it's associated with. It will look similar to this:

Example of the email a client will receive after an invoice is sent

You also have the option to copy your invoice share link and email it directly to your client instead of sending it through the Wethos platform. The choice is yours!

When your client clicks “pay invoice,” they will be brought to the client-facing view of the invoice.

At the top, they will have the ability to download or print the invoice. If you send your client the share link of your invoice, they will simply be brought to the client-facing view of the invoice (shown below).

Screenshot of client view for a Wethos Invoice with the activated payments options

Your client will have the option to select the payment method they wish to pay you through. These payment options can all be activated through your Wethos account settings. Learn more in our detailed Help Center article HERE.

Don’t forget, if your preferred payment method has any processing fees or you incur any additional fees for your work, you can pass these fees over to your client by including them in your invoice.

steps on how to include fees on your invoices

Visit our How can I get my invoices paid article to learn more about how each payment method works and how you can get your invoices paid.

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