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Schedule an Invoice

Schedule an individual invoice to be sent at a later date.

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Written by Help Center
Updated over 5 months ago

After you've created an invoice, choose to schedule an invoice to send later so you can check it off your to-do list!

Note: Invoice Scheduling is a Wethos Pro⚡️and Wethos Team 👑 feature. Check out our detailed Help Center article to learn more about what you can do with each Wethos Subscription Tier.

Within the invoice builder, select the date you'd like the invoice sent and the payment due date.

Invoice with itemized services and schedule feature, total $1,900

Blank digital invoice template with customizable payment terms and item list

Select “Schedule to send” to schedule the invoice to be sent on the date you've chosen.

Preview of an invoice for marketing services with email test and scheduling options

After selecting to schedule your invoice, it will be sent on the designated day. You will receive an email notification confirming the invoice has been sent on the scheduled day.

Once you've scheduled your invoice, it will show on the Invoices page with the status as scheduled.

To unschedule your invoice, select the three dots next to the invoice amount and choose Unschedule.

Unscheduling an invoice in Wethos

Your invoice will revert to a draft state and be unscheduled. It will not be sent on the previously designated day. You can send it to the client now, save it for later, or reschedule it to send at any time.

Payment Schedule Invoices:

If you decide to include a payment schedule from within your proposal by toggling this option, the invoices will automatically be created with the details you put into this section. Once your client signs and accepts the proposal, the invoices will be sent on the scheduled dates. If a deposit is requested in the payment schedule, an invoice will be sent upon signing.

You can review these invoices directly from within your proposal or the invoice page. Select the invoice you wish to review and add any additional details. You can continue to make changes to these invoices until your client pays them.

Scheduled invoice interface with a notification that any changes will be automatically updated in the proposal

You can learn more about requesting a deposit from your client before starting your work or create a custom payment schedule for your client in our detailed Help Center article here.

It is important to remember that once a proposal with a payment schedule has been signed, if you decide to create a new version, your original payment schedule for any invoice that has not been sent or paid will be paused.

To get your invoices back on schedule and be sent out, your client must sign and accept the new proposal version. After this, your payment schedule will be updated and your invoices will continue to be sent out with any new updates. You can learn more about how to make changes to a signed proposal with a payment schedule HERE.

Check out our detailed video with step-by-step instructions on how you can create, send, and get your invoice paid below:

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