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Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
All your general questions about Wethos answered.
By Help and 1 other
2 authors
21 articles
Important: Wethos Shutting Down April 30th, 2025
About Wethos
What is Wethos?
How can Wethos help me grow my business?
What's the cost to run my studio?
Value-Based Pricing
Wethos Pro
Wethos Subscription Tiers
Referral Program
Downgrading from Wethos Pro
Wethos Payments Account
How can I get my invoices paid on Wethos?
Inviting Teammates
How can I team up with new contractors?
If I invite teammates and contractor to work on a project, do they also need to create an account?
Wethos Account Settings
Can I delete my Wethos account?
Will my clients have access to the Wethos platform?
How can I change my email address and/or password?
How can my company or brand partner with Wethos?
Do you offer commission to partners?
What makes a partnership successful with Wethos?
How can the Wethos Community take advantage of perks and benefits?
Need More Help?
Where can I go for additional support?
Logging in to your Wethos Account
Where can I log-out of the platform?